Products of NSM Magnettechnik GmbH

Hinged belt and chain conveyors

Hinged belt and chain conveyors
Hinged belt and chain conveyors

NSM hinged belt conveyors are available in a variety of designs both machine-integrated and centrally-positioned. The NSM chain conveyors are used for example to transport heavy or warm workpieces (solid steel / cast forgings, etc.).

Our hinged belt conveyors are a sensible addition to our well-proven slide conveyors. While the latter are only suitable for conveying Fe chips, scrap and general cargo, aluminum / non-ferrous metals can also be transported with the NSM hinged belt conveyors.

Hinged belt chains of pitch 63 '' or 100 '' run in the robust conveyor body. The chains are available with a smooth or textured surface, in normal or reinforced design and with tight-fitting side rims. If required, the chains can be equipped with wear-resistant carriers.

  • robust construction
  • low construction heights, easy integration into machine tools or presses
  • low maintenance and wear
  • flexible use by variations
  • on presses and punching machines
  • on machine tools
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